Monday 15 January 2007

Random Post

In case you didn't notice, I like pink, the colour that is not the singer, just felt like sharing that!

Judge John Deed
Oh and the new series of Judge John Deed is on BBC1 Tuesdays and Thursdays, I think it's one of the must see shows on TV, from the little TV I actually watch I like to think that I choose my viewing carefully, although like any program I choose to watch I find the scheduling of the program doesn't fit with me but these days that doesn't matter much as I record things for convenient viewing, although as mentioned before I am concerned about the effect this practice has on shows, series such as Farscape were cancelled because not enough people watched it, but because of record DVD sales they made a mini-series to finish the story line, but still shows television studio's don't have a clue about what the audience wants.

Celebrity Big Brother
Does anyone actually care? I certainly don't!

BNP Ballerina
Not that I'm a member of the BNP as I don't agree with their policies, but in this instance I think the protesters are out of line, perhaps we should enter their work place and start shouting things at them while they are trying to get their job done?

Strike Action
Another god dam strike! no doubt they would choose a time which will cause the most disruption to the public which will win them no sympathy, not that I'm against people's right to strike (although I think it's often abused) what did I do to deserve you to disrupt my holiday travel arrangements (not that I'm saying this instance will) it's like the fire strike a few years ago, as soon as they chose strike on bonfire night they lost my support.

Nintendo wii
Now I don't have one, of my friends that do they all love it, even people who wouldn't normally play games, but they all agree on one thing, they hate the name and where possible avoid saying it opting for 'the new Nintendo console', 'that new thingy from Nintendo', 'the console you play with a remote' and frankly I agree, I think it's one of the stupidest names they could have come up with, maybe it got lost in the translation from Japanese?


meta kate said...

Yeah those Wii things strike me as a bit silly. I know someone who bought two! Why? Status symbol gadget elitism. Think it's a bloke thing but actually I think it probably makes him look twice as rediculous.

Thanks for the comment btw. Like the blog. Have a (belated) happy new year (I'm on a sort of time delay at the moment).

Jessica said...

Thanks for the comment.
Not sure why someone would buy two wii's, I agree that it must be a bloke thing!

and a belated happy new year to you also :)