Wednesday 3 October 2007


I had the strangest of dreams last night.

I was running through a large house in the dark trying to scream because something was chasing me, only no sound was coming out my mouth and I was struggling to breath. I can only remember the last bits before I woke up, I opened my eyes and for a moment the last image of the dream and the sight before me blurred into the same image.

Oh and I ended up being late for work!
Edit: I just noticed this is my 50th blog entry...


Unknown said...

I dreamt I was being chased the other night, woke up and my heart was pounding like I'd just been for an actual run. It was weird.

I always dream about being chased, I keep meaning to look it up to see what it 'means'...

Jessica said...

I don't usually have bad dreams, if I have another one tonight I think I'll look it up so see if it's supposed to mean something.