Wednesday 21 March 2007


Ok so I'm not a huge fan of spiders but unlike my sister and mother I don't run screaming out the room when I see one, I can also quite happily watch nature programs which show them unlike other said members of my family.

But I admit I won't let one live if I find it inside my house, other people's houses i don't mind (unless I'm sleeping there) but my flat is a no-no.

That said yesterday I found one in the bathroom (well my sister found it) sat on the wall behind the toilet, it didn't offer any resistance to me squashing it with my slipper.

Later that evening I spotted an identical one in the bathroom this time it was above the door, I did consider leaving it but then thought I would drive me mad knowing there was one there and I have this thing about walking under spiders, probably related to watching a certain movie about them (Arachnophobia)

So now the challenge, I'm not tall enough to hit it without jumping and would probably miss if I tried, so I sprayed it with a bathroom cleaner, this caused it to fall off the wall and hang from the ceiling by its web, it looked dead so I sprayed it again, it opened its legs and gently but quickly lowered itself down, It honestly looked like something out of a horror movie, just something about the way it looked, effortlessly it descended. Lucky for me I managed to squash it against the door when it was half way down.

But the image of it lowering itself down sends a shiver down my spine!

Image from Wikipedia

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