Tuesday 25 March 2008

Happy Easter

A bit belated I know, but here's wishing you had a pleasant time, whether that was staying at home stuffing your face full of chocolate or taking a short break.

I stayed at home for the bank holiday and no I didn't go swimming so I couldn't perv at Courtney. On another note I persuaded my brother into buying her a necklace which went down rather well, by all accounts he had a special treat ;)

Back to easter. I, as always, did my shopping late which meant popping into Asda on the way home from mum's on Friday. After driving around the car park for ages I finally found a space, inside wasn't much better and the selection of chocolate eggs was sparse (not sure if that was due to it being so close to easter).

I did quite well on the receiving of chocolate, even got one from mum which is a rarity, luckily I got her one, this brought my total to 6. Although I haven't opened any yet so they may last a while.


Boy said...

That's just SO UNFAIR. I didn't get any eggs. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

I WANT CHOCOLATE. Care to share?

Unknown said...

If you haven't eaten any chocolate yet...what on earth did you spend Sunday and Monday doing?
I thought they were designated chocolate eating days.

Jessica said...

sorry boy I'm not a sharing person :P

I was just relaxing on Sunday & Monday, will probably start eating them this weekend, don't know why but I've never opened them on the day, perhaps as a child I wasn't allowed as it would spoil the meal, I don't remember.