Wednesday 19 March 2008

A flash of pink

I may have mentioned before that I'm a pink girl, the colour not the singer. I have a wide variety of items in pink, from clothing to all sorts of items you wouldn't think they do in pink!

Earlier today my boss was reminded of my love for the colour. We had to attend an event, one of those corporate showcases. I usually get stuck with the boss for the day as I quite attractive (modest I know) and if he gets stuck I actually know what's going on and can save his arse, although once people realise this they start talking to me and not him which is fun and it annoys him greatly.

So being his escort for the day I had to travel with him and explain what the purpose of the event is and what to say and do, which is kind of pointless as he forgets most of it when we get out of the car.

Being the over paid executive managerial type that he is he insists of driving a sports car (it's a BMW something or other) you might be getting an idea of where this is going (or you looked at the picture already) so being the gentleman that he is *cough cough* he opens the car door for me, unfortunately I wasn't very lady like getting out of the car and I flashed my pink underwear, he was more surprised by the colour than anything else as I was wearing a black suit.

During random moments during the day he kept wanting to know if I was wearing a matching bra, he never did find out


Boy said...

Saucy! Sounds like you're a good person to have in employment :).

Were you wearing matching?

M said...

Pink underwear? Oh, I've seen too many teen movies to know that sort of thing is worn! I was thinking you meant pink laptops, pink pens, pink PDAs...

It must be difficult for women to have that kind of accidental exposure to work colleagues. At graduate school; i've seen a fair share of academics in underpants, topless and even nude...but all men. I have sort of gotten a thick skin about it.

On the plus side, I kind of like the thought of my working life colleagues seeing my body...


Jessica said...

Yes it was a matching set.

I have a thick skin of sorts which means I can brush most things like this aside, the boys will have a joke about it but I don't let them take it very far.
In fact there were a few comments this morning about it followed with a couple of requests for a flash, I tell them they can have a good look while I'm kicking them out the door, there were no comments (at least to me) in the afternoon.