Monday 27 August 2007

Weekend roundup

Thanks for the comments Mike, hope you continue to enjoy my chronicles. The hangover wasn't actually that bad, although I stayed in bed for the majority of the day catching up on some TV and read a few chapters of the book I'm currently reading.

I decided to spend the majority of Sunday and Monday with Sophie as I feel I've been neglecting her recently, not that she has been complaining since Laura spends enough time with her, I sometimes think she's a better mother to my daughter than I am.

One of the television programs I decided to watch on Saturday was Farscape, the final episode. Maybe I'm emotionally drained lately but I found myself shedding a few tears when D'Argo died.

Also had some tickets to watch the rugby, my home team were playing this weekend, although I decided to fore go the long trek and spend the time with Sophie. If you've been reading carefully you might be able to figure out my nationality. I usually tend to ignore the whole national thing and just go for the British label as I think the whole devolution thing is kind of stupid.

So the week at work, I find it hard to believe it's only been a week since I got back from seeing aforementioned friend, it's been a long week!

I hadn't realised until someone asked on Friday night 'So what's with the gothic look?', upon thinking back I remembered i had worn black for the whole week, I'm usually more colourful but I had worn a variety of black clothes the entire week with a selection of silver jewelery. In fact I was also wearing black that evening. Guess I was in a morbid mood, can't figure out why though!

So where do I go from here?

I've found reading books is the only thing that successfully takes my mind off a certain subject for any length of time, your all probably getting tired of hearing about that. I bought several books to keep me going and ended up buying three books by Karen Chance, I hadn't noticed who the author was until I got the books (Amazon), not that there is anything wrong with Karen it's just funny that I bought three by the same author. One of the other books is by Alastair Reynolds as I like one of his other books, the others I liked the descriptions of.

That didn't really answer the question but it's a good plug if I was looking to sell books!

To be honest I don't know where to go besides moving along slowly and giving my mind time to adjust to the situation and see where that takes me.

One idea is to turn hetero as guys tend to be happy providing they're getting regular sex.

That's all today from your psychotic gothic lesbian, until next time.


Unknown said...

Looove, you got blokes all wrong. Blokes are happy WHILE they're having sex, the rest of the time they're subject to the same mood swings as us girls!

M said...

I concur; being a guy is hard! Body image, status, pressure on having relationships and success, not to mention the whole chivalry BS too! I think reading is a great way to escape your world for a little while.

I read quite a bit of technical literature, or philosophy, to get over the numbness and soreness of life. Probably isn't a good way to deal with things, but it gets me through the day without too much crying.


Jessica said...

Ok that rules the guy thing out of the question, something will turn up, maybe!