That thing you do
I wasn't expecting that question to cause such an argument.
When my mother is out and about with Sophie she has a habit of pointing out the guys she thinks are cute. It doesn't bother me that much and it's pretty obvious why she does it but sometimes it can get annoying, especially if I'm with them and it's been a long day.
So I decide to mention it, my intention was a simple request for her to tone it down a bit when I'm with them.
But she took it the wrong way and accused me of trying to dictate how she should behave around her granddaughter, that lead to a discussion with both of us raising our voices and ended with her saying she didn't want Sophie to end up like me.
I'm normally thick skinned and not sensitive to such remarks but I felt she meant that remark and it did make me cry.
That was yesterday and I haven't spoken to her since!