Tuesday 27 November 2007


I knew there was a reason I hadn't created a facebook profile, but a few months ago I gave into pressure seeing how friends and family are on there, I can't give you the link as it's me not Jessica ;)

I logged on today to find 50 requests waiting for me, things such as zombies, vampires, werewolves etc. God I had this social networking crap! (blogging excluded)

In other news, I still haven't heard from Jack since the drunken bedroom incident, not that I'm complaining.


M said...

Identity is such a weird thing; who is the real you? Jessica the lesbian blogger? Or 'facebook-profile?' I'm hoping one is truer than the other.

I write my feelings on a weblog because I am afraid of being honest. In essence, I blog, therefore I am.

Boy said...

Wow! Trying to understand your life in three blog posts is very difficult, and I'm muchly confused. A nonetheless Very enjoyable read :D, and I look forward to trying to understand more.

re: him not calling you, this is probably my ignorance talking, but what would he say? If you were gone when he woke he probably thinks you don't want to hear from him. Or maybe that's me being a pessimist with women :).

Jessica said...

mike: 'Jessica the lesbian blogger that's so funny :) I haven't put anything on my facebook profile other than the basics and don't intend to.

alex: welcome to my reality, it's a confusing place. I don't know why he hasn't called and I'm not too concerned either.