Saturday, 30 June 2007

Weekend Rant

Ok so just another random rant.

Thanks for the links Jo, won't get time before I fly off to sunny spain :) I've seen the latest news about the increased terror alert and all the extra security at airports, just have to see how things go.


I've been watching the new BBC drama Jekyll and I think it's good, but then I'm biased since I like James Nesbitt anyway ;) I think he'd make a good Doctor Who, rumours are that David Tennant might be leaving halfway through series 4. Not having seen the original series I can't comment on past doctors but for the new series I think he's doing better than Christopher Eccleston, although I've liked Chris in other projects (such as Heroes) I didn't watch Casanova as the adverts looked like a show I wouldn't like but now I've seen David in DW I think I might watch it if it gets re-run.

Speaking of Doctor Who, I wasn't very keen on the finale,
I couldn't help but laugh at the scene where the doctor becomes young thanks to the power of thought, although I did get a telling off by Sophie in the form of 'Muuuuuuuuumm!'
So the list of TV programs I have to record isn't as long as I first thought 'Heroes', 'Jekyll', 'Criminal Minds' and 'Boston Legal' although I have no idea when I'll actually get time to watch them which then means I'll have to record the future episodes as I hate watching things out of order.
And bollocks I just noticed the time nearly 1am!

Monday, 25 June 2007


Ok so I admit I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek but I've really enjoyed this television show "Heroes" 10pm Monday's on Sci-Fi, it's probably in it's 2nd or 3rd series in the US by now.
It's coming to the end of the 1st series and I was sitting on the edge of my seat watching tonight's episode. I must admit I think all the hype around this series is worth while and I'm not a person who gives praise likely.
The finale is on July 16th so that's 3 more episodes and I'll be on holiday!!!! I can't bloody believe it, I've watched the past 20 odd weeks and I'll be away for the final 2. Now I did consider changing my holiday but I think I'll just have to settle for watching it when I get back.
How I got started watching the series is quite a funny story, I had avoided watching it because of all the hype surrounding it and that usually means they've spent more on the marketing budget than the actual program. So anyway Sci-Fi were repeating the first 3 episodes back to back one Sunday, I had watched a film so the television was on the channel. I was talking on the phone to a friend and the was sort of watching the program at the same time, talking for 3 hours on the phone is not uncommon for me. It seemed quite interesting so the following night I sat down and watched the next episode and quite enjoyed it.
There are episodes I felt you could miss and not actually miss any of the story or plot, I really hate it when they try and stretch the story out that little bit longer to make another episode or two and I felt they have done this here. But saying that the last few I've seen have felt like too much was squeezed into them so I think it's a case where they stretched the wrong part of the story.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Still Here

It's been a while since my last post I know, just guess I haven't been in the mood. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I wasn't sure how long I would be able to keep up the regular posting.

So what's changed I hear you asking, ok well I can hear London lass asking ;)
Well for me nothing significant has changed, my love life is still uncertain but I'm still being the optimist against perhaps my better judgement, although they do say love does strange things to people. I don't know if I'm in love, well you get the idea.

The office casanova Rick is still trying to get me in bed. Last month while out clubbing I was dancing with him towards the end of the night, I was tired so was really just holding onto him to keep from falling over. Unfortunately Rick got the wrong idea and slipped his hand down my jeans and grabbed my arse, I calmly mentioned about breaking his fingers and he promptly removed his hand. I couldn't be bothered to find another dance partner so his hand soon returned to my arse but this time on the outside of my jeans.

My sisters have been busy!
My youngest sister (Laura) has split up with her boyfriend and now has a girlfriend, a pretty young thing who's not modest in the slightest, not that I'm complaining :)

My elder sister agreed to having a threesome with her husband on the condition she could have some alone time with the girl, he agreed on the condition the threesome became a regular occurrence.

My brother is still very adamant that he's not the slightest bit bi-curious, instead saying that he takes after his sisters in preferring women, our mother isn't happy about the idea but she's starting talking to us more although she continues to avoid the lesbian issue