Sunday 22 April 2007

Horny as hell

I think the reason I've been touche for the past week or so is because I'm gagging for it, yes I know being a woman I'm not supposed to admit that but I am.
I just spoke to her (I'll call her Rebecca for future purpose), she was tired due to a hard days work (even on a Sunday!) but she wanted to speak to me before she went to sleep, I actually love talking to her when she's tired as her voice is so soft and gentle, the only problem is it makes me wish I was there cuddling up with her.

Another reason for my high state of arousal is perhaps because I've not slept with Rebecca yet, we've kissed many times and she's not as shy as she used to be with me but we just ain't got down and dirty yet, which I'm hoping to get to do when I see her, which feels like and eternity away.

I've also hatched a plan so that I can have my wicked way with her, to the straight girls out there (if there are any left) don't worry I won't take her anywhere she doesn't want to go. I've bought her a little necklace, nothing fancy just a small token, well actually the idea is to put it round her neck and caress it (well the skin around it anyway) since it will fall nicely in her cleavage it should give me a good indication of what to expect.

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